
First Night

First Night


First Night was formed in summer 2016,after Reneck Sweet decided to put together a new band.Old friends Mikk Tivas ,Kristjan Aasamäe,who were In the band called Rising Sun,we're happy with material which Reneck had written and joined the forces
Idea was to make a AOR/Hard Rock band,the genre that everyone loved.
Reneck says:"i used to be a lead singer in the Rising Sun when we started the band in 2007.Shortly after i left to explore the world and Mikk took over the lead vocals.I returned to Estonia in 2016 and started writing new material,i've been writing songs since i was about 16
After seeing many AOR/Hard rock bands over the years i decided that's exactly what i want to do also.
All the songs i have written with my acoustic guitar,then Mikk is adding ideas and producing everything himself like he did in Rising Sun
Our first single "Dangerous" is out now and will be followed by "Out of the fire" etc.
There are only few people who are listening this kind of music in Estonia but our intetion is to promote ourselves outside the home country.
At the moment i have written about 20 songs for First Night and from this lot we will choose our favourites".

Members:Kristjan Aasamäe, Mikk Tivas, Raiko Henry Heinla, Reneck Sweet


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