
Anita Spring

Anita Spring


I grew up in a musical family so there was never any question as to what I wanted to do, I've always sung and I’ve been singing professionally since I was 9. My talented parents toured nationally and internationally with the likes of Johnny O’Keefe and Bob Hope, naturally, I followed in their footsteps.
I was signed to Universal Music when I was young and despite some early success, that adventure came to an end. I reflect on that time so fondly, I experienced four years of endless opportunities and for that, I will always be grateful. It lead me to many great musical relationships and I still collaborate with these amazing people even today.
Following an inspirational road trip with my girlfriends in 2017 to Nashville, Memphis and Graceland, I started writing songs every day.
I went back to Nashville in May 2018, I collaborated with many acclaimed songwriters and I came home with a lot of songs and I’ve continued to write songs since. I’ve collaborated with many songwriters and I also continue to write songs on my own, it’s a whole heap of fun and I look forward to releasing more and MORE music. , Instagram , Facebook , X , Bandcamp ,


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