
Harlem Hot Shots


Pseudonym on Banner, Melotone, Perfect (except 15481; see below), Rex, Romeo, and English Vocalion for Wingy Mannone and his Orchestra (q.v.), and for the following additional items:
Bluebird B-5253: Both sides by Mike Doty and his Orchestra
Bluebird B-5481: Somebody Stole My Gal (Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra)
Domino 123: Both sides by Billy Banks and his Rhythmakers
Electradisk 1931: I Ain't Got Ncbody (Henry Hendrickson's Louisville Serenaders)
Electradisk 1931: St. Louis Blues (Dave's Harlem Highlights)
Oriole 2284: Both sides by Mills Blue Rhythm Band
Perfect 15481: Both sides by Mills Blue Rhythm Band


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