


NOCTOMB is a trio of three left handed misanthropes who picked up their right handed instruments and began their journey down the left hand path. Their very first song together was the title track of their 2014 debut record, Obulus for Charon. Using that song as a touchstone for their sound, NOCTOMB has cultivated a uniquely outsider approach to the more extreme genres. Their blackened sludge sound steps into pockets of light, the deep abyss of apathy, and pushes the sonic limits of a trio into new territory. Since releasing Obulus for Charon, the band have toured the Southeast and become a local staple opening for touring acts. After hunkering down for a while to write and record, the band is back in full-force, gearing up to hit the road once more in support of their new self-titled record.

Matt Couchon: Bass
Patrick Cotter: Drums
Nathan Stokes: Vocals, Guitars



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